Tuesday, 25 June 2013

BBQ/Pool Party ideas

I was recently speaking with my aunt who lives in New York with her husband.  She told me that she will be hosting a BBQ Pool party for the 4th this year.  She said that she would BBQ the traditional burgers and dogs, and chicken.  She then asked me for ideas for things she could make for her guests to pick on while the main meal was being prepared.

Here's what I came up with.  I tested it tonight with my family and it was a hit!!

Caprese Salad on a Skewer

What you will need:

Cherry tomatoes
Basil leaves
Mini Bocconcini
Balsamic Vinegar

Add the ingredients to the skewer in the order you desire. Be sure to alternate the basil leaves. Drizzle balsamic vinegar over the skewer and serve.


PS as you can tell im new to blogging and new to twitter too.  If you have any suggestions on how I can make my blog better, I'd love to hear from you.  You can also follow me on Twitter, click on the follow button above.

Thanks for visiting.


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