Saturday, 22 June 2013

Grilled Nutella Sandwich

+Nutella  +Nutella Luv ~(*_*)~

My husband came home with a French Baguette from our bakery. While I had the BBQ going I decided that it was a perfect moment to grill the bread and make grilled Nutella Sandwiches.  I sliced the entire baguette, added Nutella to each slice stuck them together to make a sandwich and then grilled them for 30 seconds on each side. (you can use an indoor grill as well, but grilling time may vary)

This treat goes well with a tall glass of milk.  It's a great treat kids will enjoy!!

Here is the recipe:

French Baguette
**if your using an indoor grill I suggest a small amount of butter on the bread to prevent it from sticking to your grill**

Slice French baguette.  Spread Nutella on to bread slices and apply sandwich to grill.

Grilling should not take long you just want to see grill marks and to slightly heat the Nutella.



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